Arctic Frontiers 2025: Ideer søkes innen 10. mai
English below.
I 2025 deltar Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) på Arctic Frontiers’ konferanse i Tromsø nok en gang. Konferansen har som mål å fremheve norske interesser og norsk lederskap i Arktis, samtidig som den gir mulighet til å sette dagsordenen for de viktigste temaene i nord. Dette inkluderer alt fra geopolitikk til økonomisk utvikling og klima.
Som partner får UiB muligheten til å påvirke det faglige innholdet. Arctic Frontiers har identifisert fem prioriterte temaer som vil veilede utformingen av de forskjellige sesjonene. De ønsker bidrag fra både grunnleggende og anvendt forskning, og søker etter tverrfaglige bidrag innenfor områdene som står beskrevet på engelsk under.
Har du en idé? Ta kontakt med Silja Wessman (silja.wessman@uib.no) for mer informasjon. Fristen er 10. mai.
Arctic Frontiers 2025: Call for session ideas
For the Arctic Frontiers 2025 conference, five priority topics have been identified which will guide the formation of the Science and Big Picture sessions. We welcome both basic and applied research, and aim for interdisciplinary sessions along the themes of:
Manageable goals: Climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation including geoengineering, ecosystem management styles, areal management and conflicts, biodiversity, coexistence of oceans and land, climate change goals and targets, Arctic science-policy advances, Arctic coastal domain.
Geopolitical research: Arctic security, politics, demographic changes and trends, science diplomacy and governance, hybrid threats, role of technology for geopolitics.
Green transition: the economical, societal, environmental costs of the green transition in the Arctic, renewable energy developments, alternative fuels (e.g hydrogen and ammonia), circular economy, green finance, deep sea mining, technological developments and applications, mitigation of green transition, infrastructure needs.
Health and wellbeing: Indigenous rights, Indigenous wellbeing, reconciliation, one health aspect, mental health, gender equality, impacts of climate change on health, science to community, research fatigue, requirements for good health, digital communications, remote health services/telehealth.
Extremes and their consequences: Extreme weather and storms, sea ice forecasting, Arctic marine heatwaves, permafrost melting, wildfires, next International Polar Year focus, multiple stressors, space research developments and requirements, extreme opinions and conflict, cultural preservation in the face of climate change, the future Arctic Ocean.
For guidelines on how to submit a session idea, please contact Silja Wessman (silja.wessman@uib.no). Deadline: 10 May.